Message From The President

I have been a member of ITC International’s Bronx Chapter –Innovators – for more than 10 years.   In my current role as President of Innovators, I am honored to be a part of an institution – International Training in Communication (ITC)/POWERtalk International – that cares about people – their personal and professional development. Our commitment to our members is to provide an environment where they can practice their communication and leadership skills in an unbiased, non-judgmental environment and improve those skills through constructive feedback. As members develop, they are expected to pass their experience along to new members through communication and leadership training.
The reality of the 21st Century is one that includes new modes of communication.  We have moved from wired communication to wireless communication for everything from our telephones to our computers. We pledge to, “improve our communication and leadership skills, in order to achieve greater understanding throughout the world.” “Throughout the world” has never been more possible than right now – achievable only through the World Wide Web. As Innovators embrace The Digital Age, we present our website as an extension of the work Innovators have been doing for more than 25 years. It is simply a new mode of communicating. I hope you will find it beneficial and informational as you expand your knowledge of ITC/POWERtalk and feel encouraged to join Innovators.
Diana E. Boschen
President – Innovators


Officers for the 2009-2010 Year
President               Diana E. Boschen
Vice President          Dorothy Vereen
Secretary             Carolyn Champion
Treasurer                      Mavis Kemble